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5 Ways to Help Teens Manage Anxiety About the Coronavirus

Adults can help by making sure adolescents don’t overestimate the dangers or underestimate their ability to protect themselves.

(Lisa Damour, PhD, New York Times, March 11, 2020)

Handling Your Kid's Disappointment When Everything is Canceled

School and events are shutting down, impacting children in unexpected ways. Here’s how to deal with the letdown 

(Erinne McGee, New York Times, March 18, 2020). 

How to Talk to Your Child About the Coronavirus

A psychologist offers tips tailored to age. 

(Madeline Levine, PhD, New York Times, March 20, 2020)

How to Help Teens Shelter in Place 

Teens are not made for isolation, which makes COVID-19 especially hard on them. Here's how to help your teenager to see the bigger picture 

(Christine Carter, PhD, Greater Good Science Center, UC Berkeley, March 20, 2020)

How Parents Can Keep Kids Busy (and Learning) in Quarantine 

As American schools close, parents are suddenly faced with the challenge of keeping their children occupied at home.

(Ashley Fetters, Atlantic, March 16, 2020)


Quaranteengers: Strategies for Parenting in Close Quarters

Because of coronavirus, teenagers are missing out on major rites of passage. Offering compassion paves their way toward feeling better. 

(Lisa Damour, PhD, New York Times, March 19, 2020)

Supporting Kids Through the Coronavirus 

Tips for nurturing and protecting children at home.

(Rae Jacobsen, Child Mind Institute)


Talking to Tweens and Teens About Coronavirus

Experts offer advice on how parents can help adolescents get the facts straight and be prepared.

(Donna De La Cruz, New York Times, March 2, 2020)

Tips for Homeschooling During the Coronavirus

If you're one of the tens of millions of parents who are now essentially homeschooling your kids, we have some tips to help you keep your kids engaged and everyone sane. 

(Anya Kamenetz, NPR Education)

When Everything is Canceled

How to help students make the most of their newfound free time

(Ana Homayoun, Washington Post, March 19, 2020)



What is "Shelter-in-Place" Parenting? 

And how will Silicon Valley families adjust to life under the coronavirus quarantine?

(Charlene Margot, Medium, March 16, 2020)


Two and Two is Three 

And other lessons my mother taught me (applicable to #coronavirus)

(Charlene Margot, Medium, March 20, 2020)


What "Quaranteenagers" Can Teach Us

Many teens are responding to shelter-in-place with creativity, resilience, and optimism for the future

(Charlene Margot, Medium, March 25, 2020)


Challenge Success - Resources to Support Parents and Educators


Child Mind Institute (CMI) - Supporting Families During COVID-19


Common Sense Media - Coronavirus Resources


Google - Teach From Home

Health Connected -  Resources for Parents

Khan Academy - Parent & Teacher Resources

KQED  At-Home Learning Resources During the COVID-19 Crisis


PBS Learning Media

Sequoia Healthcare District - Sequoia Strong (TM)

Stanford Medicine - COVID-19 Updates

StarVista - Mental Health Services

Willows in the Wind - Help for Parents of Troubled Teens

YouTube - Learn@Home


Mindful Parenting: How to Raise Kids Who are Creative, Compassionate, and Resilient

How can you raise kids who are more creative, compassionate, and resilient?  Leah Weiss, PhD, Stanford University, international expert in compassion, shares advice about what parents can do to remain mindful while navigating the ups and downs of raising children and teens.


Raising a Resilient Learner

Adina Glickman, academic coach and founder of The Stanford Resilience Project, offers tips on raising a balanced, resilient learner--both inside and outside of the classroom. 

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:


The Self-Driven Child: The Science and Sense of Giving Your Kids More Control Over Their Lives

Dr. Bill Stixrud and Ned Johnson, co-authors of The Self-Driven Child, provide research-based advice about how to help children and teens become more resilient, balanced, and motivated for learning.


No Such Thing as a Bad Kid

Charlie Appelstein, MSW, youth care expert, author of No Such Thing as a Bad Kid: Understanding and Responding to Kids with Emotional & Behavioral Challenges Using a Positive, Strength-Based Approach


What's All the Buzz with JUUL & Similar Vape Devices? 

The Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit offers education for parents to prevent middle and high school students’ use of vapes and e-cigarettes (including JUUL and other pod-based systems).





California Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response: a comprehensive website with resources and information for all Californians


California Local Information: links to coronavirus information for each California county

CDC Coronavirus Information: detailed information, resources, and updates from the CDC


COVID-19 (Coronavirus) - PTA Resources, Tools & Information 


NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Health) - Coronavirus: Mental Health Coping Strategies


San Mateo County Health - Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates & Information 


Sequoia Healthcare District - Sequoia Strong (TM) & COVID-19 Information 



Boys & Girls Club of the Peninsula (Redwood City & East Palo Alto)


Sequoia Union High School District - Food Services

Breakfast and lunch will be provided to students who are in need of meals. All campuses will have packaged meals for student or parent pick-up during the following extended serving times: Breakfast/Lunch Meals: 10:00AM -1:00PM

San Mateo County - Second Harvest Food Bank, 800-984-3663


Samaritan House, San Mateo, CA (650) 341-4081





2-1-1 Bay Area


San Mateo County Crisis Hotline - (650) 579-0350


24-hour Star Vista helpline at (650) 579-0250 

Parenting Support, call the free, 24-hour National Parent Helpline at (855) 427-2736.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255.

Adolescent Counseling Services (ACS) -


For Crisis Support, text  Crisis Text Line at 741741.


For LGBTQ support, call the free, 24-hour Trevor Helpline at (866) 488-7386, or the free 24-hour LGBT National Help Center at (800) 246-7743).

©2024 The Parent Venture. All Rights Reserved. 
The Parent Venture is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (EIN: 83-2544602).

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